Wednesday 2 December 2015

Exploring codes and conventions in film openings

Exploring codes and conventions in film openings

In class, we looked at the use of sound and significant imagery to create tension or action in film openings. After an example from the teacher of 'The Grudge', we were then assigned a film opening in our coursework groups.

We were given the film, 'Shakespeare in Love'.

We created a visual representation of tension, sound, conformity of genre expectations and prominent images using line graphs with quick drawings of images that stuck out to us.

We did it for these film openings:

Resident Evil

Hurt Locker


Jurassic Park

My findings:

Sound and tension/action generally increase together

The more tense/action packed the situation got, the more obvious the genre became

I think 'Hurt Locker' was heavily based on realism which made the opening much more tense as the situation got more and more dangerous

With the film Amelie, you can tell the genre is of one of romance and/or comedy as, typically, those genres of film do not use tension and action in the ways that are most expected and obvious. This is clear by the relatively low and straight lines across the graph.

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