When choosing fonts for the title of our film we wanted to incorporate the horror aspect. We did this by looking for fonts that where clear with a blockish look to them. For instance the bubble affect used on fonts such as comic sans would not be appropriate for a horror film, as it would confuse the message we were trying to put across.
Delusion- Comic Sans = Too bubbly and childish.
Delusion-English157 BT = Not very clear and too elegant/ flamboyant.
Delusion- Zolano Sans BTN = Looks plain and technology inspired.
Delusion- Bauhaus 93 = Not appropriate for horror as it is bubbly and friendly.
Delusion- Times New Roman = We liked this font but is looked a bit too old fashioned for when our film was set so we had a look at similar styles with a modern twist.
Delusion- Courier New = We felt this was a good match for our film with an old fashioned undertone it looks bold and clear with out being bubbly and childish. We liked the details on the end adding design and depth to the font.
DELUSION- Courier New = Making the font all in capitals makes the title stand out and make a statement with out having to underline or add any details. It ties in with the urgency of a horror film.
For our opening we used American Typewriter, which is very similar to Courier New. As we edited in the titles on iMovie, the program has default Apple fonts and American Typewriter is almost as if it were Apple's version of Courier New.