Thursday, 21 January 2016

Production company name, logo and profile

Production company name, logo and profile 

We played around with many different company names, as we wanted it to be simple, but relate to our genre and opening. Some ideas for names included:

Drip productions
Fatal Films
Drip Drop Productions
Crimson Productions

We decided on Fatal Films for our name as we felt it sounded the best due to the alliteration, and fitted our opening best.

For the logo we all liked the idea of incorporating the name into a spiralling tree, as we thought it added a sense of eeriness. 

These are some of the initial drawings for our idea:

We then stared to re-create these ideas on the computer using so that they would be clearer and easier to import onto iMovie

After creating the first computer version of the logo, we thought that it would look better if the background to the logo was black rather than the actual tree as it would look better when incorporated into our final opening.

This is our final logo: