Thursday, 28 January 2016

Health and Safety Concerns

Health and Safety

  • George was the owner of the house at the location we were shooting, so we were granted permission to take photographs and film there
  • All of our equipment will be safe as we have all used tripods and cameras before and have practised using them. The equipment we will use is not heavy so will not cause any damage. We also will mainly use natural lighting so there will be little need for electricals, except perhaps a single mains light over the table

  • Using a lot of DSE (display screen equipment), we have to be careful not to use them for long periods of time as this can lead to the possibility of wrist and eye strain.

  • We also need to be aware of the Lake which we are shooting at, which could be dangerous as we filming in close proximity to it, so will need to be wary of falling in.

  • When hanging the noose in the right position we will need to use a platform to reach the height of the branch that we need, so it is important to avoid any back strain, and be aware of our balance. We will have several people surrounding the person who is positioning the noose.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Scripting and Shooting Scripts

Scripting and Shooting Scripts

Waking up in bedroom
POV: Eyes open from black screen
POV: Eyes close and production logo comes on
POV: Eyes open again and film title appears on screen
3.0 secs
2.0 secs

1.5 secs

Getting dressed
CU: Feet coming down from bed
MS: Shirt put on from behind
CU: Skirt zipped up
CU: Buttons done up
CU: Feet walking to bathroom
1.7 secs
2.8 secs
1.8 secs
3.1 secs
2.9 secs
CU: Tap on
CU: Face down to sink
CU: Face back up, woman in mirror, turn around and leave
1.5 secs
0.7 secs
8.8 secs

CU: Comes down stairs
Tracking: Enters kitchen and puts kettle on
Mid-CU/SRS: Eating breakfast
LS/SRS: Masked woman
MC/SRS: Reaction, phone rings and answer
2.5 secs
15 secs

0.7 secs
14.2 secs
Phone call
ECU: Mouth shot (psycho)
Mid-CU: Conversation with mum
SRS/LS: Masked woman
SRS/MS/DA: Gets up and picks up bag
SRS/LS: No woman, noose
DA: Opens door
1.8 secs
12 secs
1.2 secs
2.8 secs
1.9 secs
4.7 secs
ECU: Door close and lock
LS: Walks to gate, opens as door opens with Masked Woman in house, turns and runs
Establishing: Running to camera
7.6 secs
11.3 secs

4.0 secs

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule for the Sunday 7th February 2016

Filming schedules are important for production companies and everyone involved in the filming of movies and any other media.

They tell anyone exactly what they are doing and when so that production runs smoothly.

It is a realistic plan for the filming day that should be stuck to by the team like a bible.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Production company name, logo and profile

Production company name, logo and profile 

We played around with many different company names, as we wanted it to be simple, but relate to our genre and opening. Some ideas for names included:

Drip productions
Fatal Films
Drip Drop Productions
Crimson Productions

We decided on Fatal Films for our name as we felt it sounded the best due to the alliteration, and fitted our opening best.

For the logo we all liked the idea of incorporating the name into a spiralling tree, as we thought it added a sense of eeriness. 

These are some of the initial drawings for our idea:

We then stared to re-create these ideas on the computer using so that they would be clearer and easier to import onto iMovie

After creating the first computer version of the logo, we thought that it would look better if the background to the logo was black rather than the actual tree as it would look better when incorporated into our final opening.

This is our final logo:

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Costumes, Props and Make-up

Costumes, Props and Make-up

Below is a table which includes the props we used and where we bought them from. We found it easy collecting our props as our opening is set in modern day.


Masked Lady:

Urban Outfitters
Urban Outfitters
River Island
New Look
New Look




Water&paint Hobbycraft
Make-up Bag


Rope for noose

Friday, 15 January 2016

Location Sourcing

Location Sourcing

Horror films tend to be set in isolated places, typically in the countryside. 
We wanted to film in a similar area to comply with the conventions of the horror genre.

Scream 4 (large, country home)

Amityville Horror (large, country home)

Cabin in the Woods (small, old, isolated cabin)

We also wanted to maintain naturalistic mise-en-scene for the inside of the home, like is seen in many horror films.


(Funny Games)


To achieve this we decided to film at one of our own houses so that the setting and mise-en-scene of the character’s home would be realistic

Our options were:

Annabel Briggs’ House
Annabel Evelyn’s House

Reasons for:

  • Painted white - connotations of the colours can be used to symbolise innocence of the victim
  •  Hedge surrounds house, makes it appear more isolated
Reasons for:

  • Countryside
  • Wall length windows means it is easy to film the outside shots which we planned to do through a window
  •  Surrounded by a large hedge, makes it appear more isolated
Reasons against:

  • Town area
  • Nearby/surrounding houses
Reasons against:

  • Angle and positioning of the house means natural lighting can’t be used
  • Semi-detached house, neighbours can sometimes be heard

Jasmine Poynter’s House
Georgina Sparks’ House

Reasons for:

  •  Realistic and natural-looking mise-en-scene
  •  Location (i.e. suburban area) is relatable for many of our audience which could make the opening more frightening
Reasons for:

  • Isolated
  • Coutntryside
  • Big glass windows, good for natural lighting and fits with storyline
Reasons against:

  • Town area
  • Nearby/surrounding houses
Reasons against:

  • Harder for everyone to get transport to

We decided George’s house would be best for filming as we liked the setting due to its isolated area in the countryside and the lake in the background could be used to create an eerie atmosphere. 

It will also get good, natural lighting from the large kitchen windows during the morning where/when we are planning to film the majority of our opening, which reduces costs and health and safety risks.